Opportunities and Support
Here you can find education and work opportunities available in the Netherlands. There are also services available to help with training and support. These are available for anyone, not just Right2Education students.
What can you do within Right2Education?
English up to C1, including IELTs prep, Dutch up to B1.2, Arabic language cafes, CV building workshops, and guest lectures at Amsterdam University College.
Other Training Opportunities
Refugees Forward is a business incubator for newcomers, and offers high-quality training and coaching to support newcomers in setting up their business in the Netherlands. Their program offers training on business strategy and cross-cultural skills, as well as a team of experienced business coaches and dedicated (Dutch) students to work with the entrepreneurs.
Refugee Start Force aim to match refugees, locals, organizations and companies based on professions, skills and expertise. Their networking groups, projects and events enable refugees to find contacts who can help them to further develop professional skills and ambitions.
Meet Your Mentor is a digital mentoring platform that supports young people with a non-western background in their transition to the labor market. They pair you to an expert in a desired field.
Hack your future train people with a refugee background to become web developers and software testers through a free seven month program. After the education, graduates start their careers at one of their partner companies.
Higher Education
You can check what your diploma is equivalent to in the Netherlands at this site.
The Netherlands uses a program called Studielink for applying to universities. Each university has their own website, on which you will find information on courses, requirements and career prospects. You can always directly contact the university using the number found under ‘contact’.
To apply to Studielink (the national database for university admission) you must have a digiD – also required for all other official government websites. This requires you to be formally registered in the NL with a BSN, so is unfortunately only available for status holders.
Higher Education Opportunities
Amsterdam University College
AUC has a dedicated scholarship fund which you can apply for, and the application is the same process (through the website) for everyone. To discuss applying to Amsterdam University College (or a waiver of the application fee), contact us or AUC directly.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
The Universiteit van Amsterdam has a special program that guides people with a non-western background through the first months of university.
Vrije Universiteit
The The Vrije Universiteit has a (Dutch only) transition programme that prepares students for university entry exams. It is especially designed for people whose diploma does not give direct access to Dutch university.
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
HvA has a program designed for students with a non western background, called Students that Matter (transition program). They also offer a language programme that prepares students for the Staatsexamen NT2, and courses that are important for your future study. You apply to HBO education (like HvA) through studielink too.
MBO education
MBO Start has information on MBO universities (only in Dutch). You apply for these through the universities themselves, not through studielink.
Employment Opportunity Databases
Refugee Talent Hub
The Refugee Talent Hub brings employers and refugee talents closer together for paid jobs.
The UAF supports highly educated refugees in achieving a suitable social position. They guide them in their studies and in finding a job that matches their abilities.
Werk.nl has job vacanies available for anyone with a work permit.
Joblift offers a service to find jobs in the Netherlands.