Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: (1) Everyone has the right to education [...] and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
Our mission
Right2Education is a community that believes in equal opportunity for all. We believe factors such as countries of origin, race, ethnic background, gender, sexuality and all other ways of differentiation shouldn’t limit access to education. Right2Education is an opportunity for refugees and asylum seekers to access an education in which they are able to learn Dutch (A1-B2) and English (A1-C1).
In the environment of Amsterdam University College, our students are no longer refugees but guests, which is why we like to refer to them as ‘guest students’. We believe it is no longer enough to be witnesses of what is known as the “refugee crisis”. This initiative is about getting involved, taking a stand and contributing to the search for equality and justice.
Since January 2016, we have opened up classes to over 3000 guest students. These courses are taught both by AUC students and official teachers. In both cases, the material taught is exactly the same and guarantees them a certificate proving their proficiency given they manage to pass the exam. AUC/UvA/VU students teach in groups of 2 and twice a week for 3 hours. During the AUC intensive periods (either January or June) guest students can attend AUC language courses alongside fellow AUC students.
If you are interested in becoming a teacher, please contact us. Applications open several months before classes begin.
Activities and Buddies
As with any education, we think it’s important to have a balance between the academics and social activities which is why we also organise social events such as potlucks, ice skating and movie nights. Our initiative is about building a community based on shared environments.
We created a buddy system in which guests students are paired up with an AUC/UvA/VU student in order to facilitate integration and enable both parties to get to know each other better in a safe and secure environment. Together, they go to parties, dinners, museums, excursions, bike tours and also just simply hang out. By doing this, our guest students have already taught us so much, especially in terms of creating a community which goes beyond traditional notions of nationality and language.
Buddy sign-ups run parallel to classes, beginning in September, November, February and April.
3235 students have studied with R2E!
3235 students have studied with R2E!
Study with Right2Education
We run 8-week long classes four times a year, beginning in September, November, February and April. Read more about our classes and how to apply by clicking the button below..
ANBI status
Right2Education Foundation
RSIN number: 856533749
KVK number: 66397502